Featured on Garret Lewis's show on KNST

Why Stain-Proof?

META CRÈME™ is the next generation of sealing technology, the ultimate breathable impregnating sealer for protecting natural stone, tiles, masonry, pavers, concrete and grout. It represents world best practice in sealing.
Green Product
15 year warranty against oil/water penetration
Stain-Repella™ is a penetrating, invisible and breathable water-based sealer which protects porous surfaces against stains to keep surfaces looking great.
Indoor/Outdoor Sealer
Average indoor life span: 3 years
Average outdoor life span: 1 year

STAIN-PROOF Original™ is an impregnating, invisible and breathable sealer that provides premium long term protection for natural stone, tiles, pavers, concrete, brick and grout from water and oil based stains and damage caused by water and dissolved salts. Treated indoor and outdoor surfaces become easier to clean and keep looking good for longer.
15 year warranty against oil/water penetration
NOT affected by AZ Solar Intensity
STAIN-PROOF Plus™ is an impregnating, invisible and breathable sealer that protects natural stone countertops from damage caused by water, salts and oil-based stains. Treated countertop surfaces become easier to clean, maintain, and keep looking good for longer. STAIN-PROOF Plus™ provides lasting protection for natural stone that comes with a 25 year warranty*.
25 year warranty against oil/water penetration
NOT affected by AZ Solar Intensity

S-Tech Stone & Masonry Cleaner
Stone & Masonry Cleaner is a unique, ready-to-use hydrogen peroxide the based cleaner that is specifically designed for cleaning stubborn organic stains and deeply embedded dirt in porous stone and masonry.
S-Tech SMCBoost
When added to Stone & Masonry Cleaner, SMCBoost will further provide:
Extra cleaning power
Extra lifting power
Extra stain removing power
Extra labor saving’s

Rejuvenata ACTIVE™
Rejuvenata ACTIVE™ is a powerful, natural active enzyme cleaner concentrate for both heavy duty and light duty (regular) cleaning of all natural stones, tile, grout, brick and other hard surfaces. Rejuvenata ACTIVE™ contains 3 different enzymes for removing general grime and stains caused by grease / oils, mold, food and beverages.
Rejuvenata™ Countertop Cleaner
Rejuvenata™ is a gentle daily cleaner for natural and engineered stone countertops. It contains an invisible sealer to enhance protection and make surfaces easier to clean.

PORCELAIN PLUS™ is a premium, impregnating sealer specifically designed for porcelain and quartz surfaces. PORCELAIN PLUS™ features nano size sealing molecules that will seal the micro pores in polished porcelains and quartz surfaces. This new technology has been developed specifically for surfaces with low absorption rates in an easy to use, non-film forming sealer.
10 year warranty oil/water penetration
Oxy-Klenza™ is an odorless, powerful triple action, oxygen, alkaline and detergent boosted heavy duty cleaner for removal of general grime and stains caused by oil / grease, mold, leaf marks, food and beverages. Suitable for all natural stone, tile, masonry, concrete, brick, grout, vinyl and raw /unfinished wood.

INTENSIFIA™ is the ultimate combination of enhancer and sealer. Natural stone, masonry and other hard porous materials will have deep, long lasting color enrichment and premium water and oil-based stain protection.
5 year warranty against oil/water penetration
Eff-Erayza™ is a new technology acid cleaner for removing efflorescence, rust stains, limescale, grout haze, mortar mess and fireplace soot. Eff-Erayza™ is very powerful and generally more effective to use than traditional industrial acids but does not produce noxious fumes, non-corrosive to metals (except for uncoated aluminium) and temporary contact does not burn skin.

DRY-TREAT 40SK™ is an impregnating, invisible and breathable sealer that protects porous tile, natural stone, brick, terracotta, paving & grout from damage caused by water and salts, plus helps to consolidate friable surfaces. Treated indoor and outdoor surfaces become easier to clean, maintain and keep looking good for longer. DRY-TREAT 40SK™ provides lasting protection for concrete, terracotta tile, cast stone, paving, sandstone, limestone, brick & grout.
15 year warranty against water penetration
NOT affected by AZ Solar Intensity
The Competition vs. Dry Treat
Normal Sealers
No Warranty, only expected life-span
Typically only works on either an indoor/outdoor surface
Can allow fading
Often creates a slippery layer on the surface
Moisture can build up inside the material
Doesn’t protect against a lot.
Dry-Treat Products
15 Year Warranty when applied by an accredited applicator (that’s us!)
Suitable for indoor, outdoor, residental, and commerical use
Retains color and finish
Retains wet slip resistance
Protects agains efflorescence, freeze-thaw, and salt damage